Posted by: Anne E. Stuart | December 14, 2012

Friday Five – December 14, 2012

Good luck to my students on their finals – which start at 8am tomorrow. Good luck to my fellow professors in getting their grading finished. Congratulations on another semester (nearly) wrapped up.

Here are this week’s choices for the Friday Five:

PsychCentral  (Marie Hartwell-Walker) – December 9, 2012

Is it really so bad to re-gift? Many years ago, when I got married, a number of my friends and family members were also getting married. At the time, there seemed to be a trend to re-gift items at bridal showers and as wedding gifts. I acquired some pretty useful items that probably classify under the re-giving category of this link. However, I was also re-gifted some odd things. So, my friends and I started a tradition of the “wedding fruit cake”. The wedding fruit cake was an odd gift that was passed along to the recipient with the story that this was something purposely being passed on. The recipient could choose to keep it and pass on some other gift with the story of the wedding fruit cake, or the recipient could pass it along to another person with the story of the wedding fruit cake.

Psychology Today: Cusp (Robin Marantz Henig) – December 11, 2012

In her Psychology Today blog, Robin Marantz Henig discusses a recent story in The New Republic on older parenthood. Personally, this is an interesting discussion, and I seem to be seeing a lot more of it in recent weeks – likely spurred by The New Republic cover story. But even more interesting, is that this is not a new idea. In reading the various pieces regarding older parents, I was reminded of an essay (The Future of Reproductive Delay by Ed Klonoski) I read in 1994 while taking Advanced Composition at the University of Hartford. I no longer have the essay, but I do have a response paper I wrote about it. (Yes, I have always been that much of a pack-rat geek.)

At some point, I’ll likely blog about some of my writings from my undergrad years. They are rather enlightening in regards to how I’ve changed and how I’ve stayed the same. In the particular paper I just mentioned, I took a bit of a tangent into my opinions about teaching human sexuality. My words today are pretty much the same as they were 18 years ago.

Psychology Today: Neuronarrative (David DiSalvo) – December 11, 2012

This link resonated with me. Friends and family who know me well know that I often get stuck inside my own head. I’ve gotten better in recent years, but I can still see myself in over half of the ways mentioned in this link.

Jezebel (Dodai Stewart) – December 10, 2012

I know, many of you are going to click this link simply because of the title, and that’s ok. Beyond the sensationalist title, Dodai Stewart provides a strong and amusing essay on how our society regards and reacts to menstruation.

Scientific American: Guest Blog (Julie Hecht) – December 12, 2012

I have to say, I’m actually proud of myself in not completely overwhelming my weekly posts with links about dogs. This link discusses how human-dog play differs from dog-dog play and the work by the Horowitz Dog Cognition Lab. This also seems like a fitting link to finish the semester with. Remember, psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes in humans and non-human animals.


  1. Fuck You, Menstraton was one of the best article I have read! Yea why don’t men have something happen to them too every month or be able to carry a baby for nine months and deal with hormonal mood swings!! OMG, I could go on and on but I think I will just stick to those two points…. OK back to the article, every point were valid and most of which I can relate to, so yea FUCK you Menstation!!!!

  2. Delaying Parenthood May Come at a Cost was the first article I read. The articles started by talking about how alot of people are waiting till their 30’s or 40’s to have kids. It talks about the new “trend” of being an older parent. I find this pretty hard to believe. In my high school more then half the girls were pregnant or already had kids. Not that having kids in high school is what I encourage people to do but people who have kids later on in life could cause health risks to their children. Such as autism, asthma, and schizophrenia.

    Fuck You Menstruation was the second article I read. This article explains why almost every woman hates being a woman. It is true when females have their period they’re usually complaining but we have very good reason. Forget the fact that we can’t control the bleeding there’s also unbarible cramping. People try to control these symptoms with birth control but it doesn’t always work that way.

  3. -Delaying Parenthood May Come at a Cost
    This article was very interesting I would have never know that having a child at a young older age would set the child at risk for schizophrenia, autism, and developmental delays that is shocking. But I do see where they are coming from when having a child at a older age one can seek their career and be financially stable by the time they want to have a baby. Another thing that I thought was true that we do live our lives in this set order education, then work, then financial stability, then children. I do not know why it’s like this but I guess that’s the sequence we have to have in order to have a less stressful life.

    -Fuck You, Menstruation
    After reading this article I was beyond surprised and the author did speak the truth, I never knew women had it that bad when they are encountering their period. Its sad how us men make fun of females while they are on their period. I have to admit being a male and if we were to have a period oh that would be terrible and scary! But for women My respect is and will always be high for women, because they are mental strong and can and will do and achieve anything they put their mind to.

  4. The article “Fuck You, Menstruation” was kind of funny because it felt like the author started off venting towards the audience. I don’t completely agree with the author though because us men know what a period is and do not need to be reminded what occurs during the process. How about women talk to their other female friends about menstruation.

    The second article that I read was “Delaying Parenthood May Come a Cost.” This article I also did not agree with because in todays generation it seems as if the age for having children are getting younger and younger if you ask me. I personally know a few girls younger than me that have a child. Its not a good thing so it would probably would be best to have a child in ya early 30’s.

  5. I read the article ” Fuck you Mestration” and have to say i did find it interesting, and i have to say i am glad to be a male. I always knew a womans period was no fun, but after reading this article i truely understand why its so awful. Even though i may not like to admit it, woman have a lot more to deal with than men, from getting ready for the day, to pregnancy, and especially menstraation. I respect all the women in my life, and always will, and reading this article makes me do so a little bit more. This was a great article to end the course on. And again i am glad to be a guy!!

  6. The two articles I read were “Re-Gifting or R-Giving?” and “Delaying Parenthood May Come At A Cost”.

    The article about gift giving was specifically interesting because it happens in everyday life. I was surprised that there was a difference between re-gifting and re-giving. I found it interesting that the author stated that re-gifting was about the unwanted task while re-giving was more personal. This article serves as a justification to those who questioned whether or not re-gifting was immoral. All I can hope is that many people will learn the difference between the two ideas in order to create a more pleasurable gifting experience for both parties.

    The second article about parenthood was very interesting. It was very interesting to learn about the dangers of delaying parenthood. The author was able to get across the dangers of delaying parenthood without the appearance of sexism or bias. He was able to reveal points such as allowing women to control their own fertility cycles, rather than having society force them into an unwanted journey. Overall, while it may be beneficial to wait, waiting may cause sterilized females.

  7. The “Fuck You, Menstruation” article is an amazing article. I have never experienced an article like It. I have always been the type of girl to never express anything about my menstrual. I always felt like it was disgusting to even mention anything about it. For someone to write a article on that subject was very clever. This article was hilarious and I think the author was very brave. Her opinions on a period is the same as my opinion and I think it is like that for every other woman. No woman is a big fan of their period and we all wish that it was something we did not have to experience. Excellent article.

  8. The first article I read was, “Delaying Parenthood May Come at a Cost”. I found it interesting that just by having a child at an older age can higher the risk of schizophrenia, autism, and other developmental delays. I do agree that having children allows you the chance to be more financially stable and support the children.

    The second article I read was, “Fuck You, Menstruation”. After reading this article, I have a new found respect for what women must go through every month. It makes me appreciate the fact that I am a male. I couldn’t imagine having to deal with that every month.

  9. The first article I read was “Fuck You, Menstruation”. It spoke about the pains and inconveniences that women had to deal with when going through their menstruation cycle. I have two older sisters so I know exactly what they are talking about. Ever month all the emotional roller coasters and arguing really make that one time of the month probably as painful for me as it is for them. I am so happy that I am a guy and do not have to go through that.

    The second article i read was “Re-Gifting or R-Giving?”. It spoke about the difference of re-gifting and re-giving. Some people think it is not right to re-gift, but they say that it is okay to do that. I think it is perfectly fine if you re-gift sometihng that you already have or something that you know you wont use but someone else will. What is the point of keeping a gift that is never going to see the light of day? Anyway I think this was a good article showing the difference of the two and there will be a lot of this come the holidays.

  10. I read the ‘Delaying Parenthood, May Come at a Cost’ article. It was interesting! Especially for me because I do not plan on having children until I finish with my schooling and become financially stable. This could be well into my 30s. This makes me wonder if I should start sooner. Which is a scary thought for me! I’m only 22 and rely on my parents for their support. I would love to be a mother but maybe in about 10 years from now! I want to raise a child in a financially stable home with a stable family. Other than me second guessing my future goals. This was a great article!

  11. The two articles I read this week were “Re-Gifting or R-Giving?” and “Delaying Parenthood May Come At A Cost”.

    The article about Re-gifting was very interesting and informative since the holidays are coming up. Many people do think that re-gifting is tacky but as shown the in article theres a different between that and re-giving. This article shows that the thought behind gifts is what counts and if you receive a gift that you know someone else will enjoy more then its not really tacky. I personally think its fine to re-gives gifts. It would be waste to just throw it away or store it somewhere so you mine as well just give it to someone else.

    This article was very interesting. It talked about all the affects of having kids at a late age. It showed how your child is more at risk for health problems. This article doesnt really pertain to me because I hope to have children in my late twenties but it is very informative. Older parents have to take pre cautions and know that there risk for failure and complications is higher at and older age.

  12. Nikki Lyss
    Psych 101
    Extra Credit Web Assignment

    Aricle #1
    The first article I read was called “10 Ways Your Brain Is Smacking You Around” by David DiSalvo. This article interested me because I firmly believe that my brain smacks me around because I have obsessive thoughts at times and I find that when this happens, everything I do and say is controlled by them. I was happy to learn that I am not the only person that has these distracting “automatic” thoughts, or am the only person that experiences constant mind-wandering. This article explained how easily we can experience these worrisome thoughts and how we can control them. DiSalvo suggests to not dwell in the negative, but to form a solution in your head, and if not possible, shift your focus to something else. He said to not fear these distractions, but to not get caught up and chronically distracted by them. We all are under pressure under a bunch of things, but we just need to direct our distractions towards releasing this pressure. We need to learn how our brain works and learn how to control unwanted feelings and place them with behaviors that will yield positive outcomes. We need to learn to discipline our brains and be able to distinguish meaningful information from meaningless information. We can learn ways to trick ourselves into getting work done so we don’t fall victim to procrastination. This can be done by making things seem urgent, even when they aren’t, so we are more likely to get important responsibilities done rather than avoid them till last minute. Overall, we need to remind ourselves that sometimes things are not within our control and things happen without a cause. Give yourself a break and don’t over-stress yourself.

    Article #2
    The second article I read was entitled “Delaying Parenthood May Come at a Cost” by Robin Marantz. The article was about the risks of people waiting longer to have children in their late 30s and 40s. There are heightened risks of mental disorders like schizophrenia and autism, as well as other developmental delays to babies born from older parents. Older mothers have to rely more on possible risk-forming technology that can easily create problems in the long run of their child’s health. Aside from the health issues, on the positive side, it is seen that older parents seem to be happier parents. They are able to be content where they are in life with their financial standing and jobs, then decide when the time is right to have a child. They are able to fully enjoy the whole experience and focus all their attention on it, rather than stressing over work and struggling to pay bills (in most instances).Marantz emphasizes on the pros to waiting to have a child at a later age and to have younger people be more educated and hopefully delay pregnancy a little longer. She encourages to not have to give up everything and have to feel the need to commit to have a family at a young age because they believe that’s what is physically best. She encourages young people to be completely secure with their jobs and personal lives, then to take the next step and start a family. We need to grow up first, then grow up through bringing up a bundle of joy.

  13. The first article I read was, “10 Ways Your Brain is Smacking you Around.” I never really thought the brain had such control over what we do in everyday life. It makes a lot of sense that these ten things are on the list because everyone does them without knowing it. I thought the tips were good so we know how to control these things that do happen because of the brain. The one I found most interesting was about being a fortune teller because I do that a lot and I never really knew why.

    The second article I read was, “Fuck You, Menstruation.” This was very amusing but true at the same time. When girls are upset men and women think maybe it is their time of the month and that is not always true. Maybe they’re having a bad day or they’re very tired and do not feel like being bothered. I do agree that if men had periods, it would be different in society. Guys would have free tampons and that just would not get as much crap as girls do. I think people need to be more considerate about women and their periods because right now people just do not care.

  14. The first article I read was, “10 Ways Your Brain is Smacking you Around.” I never really thought the brain had such control over what we do in everyday life. It makes a lot of sense that these ten things are on the list because everyone does them without knowing it. I thought the tips were good so we know how to control these things that do happen because of the brain. The one I found most interesting was about being a fortune teller because I do that a lot and I never really knew why.

    The second article I read was, “Fuck You, Menstruation.” This was very amusing but true at the same time. When girls are upset men and women think maybe it is their time of the month and that is not always true. Maybe they’re having a bad day or they’re very tired and do not feel like being bothered. I do agree that if men had periods, it would be different in society. Guys would have free tampons and that just would not get as much crap as girls do. I think people need to be more considerate about women and their periods because right now people just do not care.

  15. The first article that I read was “Fuck You, Menstruation.”Out of the articles I have read this past semester, this one is the best. I couldn’t agree more with it. I always said that women had it harder than men. Men don’t have to go through “time of the month” or carry a baby for nine months. We on the other hand have to go through all the hardships.

    The second article that I read was “Re-Gifting or Re-Giving?” Many people think that if someone re-gives that same gift then that person is being cheap. However, the paerson might not have enough money to buy a new gift so the person has to gove the same gift again but in a different style. Honestly, it doesn’t matter to me. I think it’s the thought that counts the most.

    • The first article I read was, “Fuck You, Menstruation”. This is the only article that I could actually relate too. Men don’t understand all the things “we” have to go through. When it is that time of the month, it feels like hell. You feel moody and uncomfortable. Men can never compare anything to what we go through when its that time.

      The second article I read was, “Re-Gifting and Re-Giving”. When it comes Christmas, it doesn’t matter how much the gift cost, it’s the time and thought put into it. I love when my family passes down cultural gifts to the next generation and so on. It has a lot of sentimental value.
